Friday, 4 November 2011

Episode 36: Moving Day

It's true, we're moving. The strip that is. Me will be transferring the Adventures of Pythagorus and Hypotenuse to another more dinosaur themed blog and then eventually to their own actual web page. I know right. So please stay tuned, thanks for reading and here is a picture of a pretty girl dressed as a Green lantern.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Episode 35: The spoils of war

 As a kid I always loved the day after Halloween when you woke up to the realization of your horde. It became a precious thing to be rationed and portioned out. It was a source of prestige and power amongst your peers until only the dregs were left. I had friends though who managed to get several months out their horde and while I openly mocked them for their tea tottleing ways of candy consumption, I secretly envied them their stores during the cold candiless winter months.