Friday, 30 September 2011

Epsiode 20 1/2: Minor Technical Difficulties

Sorry folks, some minor technical difficulties (Pandas ate some wiring) have lead to no comic today. However please enjoy whatever the hell this is. Not really sure...Hooray it's Friday.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Episode 20: Faster then the speed of dumb.

When I heard they had possibly dis-proven Einstein's theories on faster then light (I say possibly because to that seems to be where all science resides most of the time) I knew we had reached the end times. When you have theories that border on the religious and something like this happens? I wonder if the researchers that worked on this nailed their theories to the Vatican's door, or wherever the Church of Einstein resides...

Monday, 26 September 2011

Episode 19: Timmy's in the Well

I think we have all been there, that dark place, that place of danger where we must decide "Tasty snack cake or personal safety?" It's not really that difficult a decision isn't it?

Friday, 23 September 2011

Episode 18: The Perils of Wag Jag

Just kidding Wag Jag...please don't sue us. Seriously though, this totally happened to me.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Episode 17: One Small Step

This is our own "Moon Landing Conspiracy Theory". Sure we have no facts and only the word of an insane chicken to go on...but it looks pretty solid. Also on an unrelated note, how cool would it have been as when the astronauts were approaching the moon one of them went "That's no moon...that's a battle station". Hella cool that's how cool...hella cool.

Monday, 19 September 2011

Episode 16: Dork side of the moon

Sometimes being observant is all that is needed to solve a problem or a conundrum. Today I am observant that it is Monday. My acknowledging this dose not make the problem go away. Please ignore the above statement.

Friday, 16 September 2011

Episode 15: Coffee Break

Yes we like coffee, no we're not addicted. I could totally give it up anytime but if you touch my coffee I WILL cut you like a pacific salmon on salmon cutting day. That's a thing. Happy Friday everyone, or not, we're not the boss of you.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Episode 14: Garden Therapy

    Okay, I am going to be honest. I have no idea what "Garden Therapy" is. I have been assured that is in fact a "thing" and that there is some therapeutic value to mucking about in the mud and whatnot. If I wanted to I could look it up on the interwebs. I am choosing to accept it's existence on faith though, like gravity or Superman.

Monday, 12 September 2011

It's Monday. There is a moral to that story somewhere.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Episode 12- Big Light Bright City

I have to admit, I don't think I ever saw the movie "Bright Lights Big City" also. I think it had Michael J. Fox in it but that might just be generational memory in action here because for a while it seemed like Michael J. Fox was in everything related to the 80's. Or it might be selective memory insertion due to the "Back to The Future" franchise and my mind is placing MJF into every 80's movie lead male that my mind hasn't already placed John Cusack. Happy Friday everyone, or don't have one. The only one who will notice is you.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Episode 11: Grand Theft Hippo

Now we don't actually believe that video games cause Hippos to go all GTA on people, Hell, we don't even think it makes kids to either. If that was the case my car would be getting jacked on a regular basis and right now it's only semi-regular. Besides, kids today were all "Lord of Flies" before video games. I don't even know why I am writing about this. You know video games are awesome and don't inspire violence and I know that video games are awesome and don't inspire violence and as far as I am concerned that is the only thing that matters. Well that and pie of course.

Monday, 5 September 2011

Episode 10-Rocky

Well it's Labour day today friends, the day when we all celebrate Labour and present to each other gifts of macaroni art with glitter. So here at Pythagorus and Co. we made you a comic out of macaroni and glitter. We made it with love for you. Please do not eat it. Or eat it, what do we care? Well we do care that's why! Don't eat our macaroni art!

Friday, 2 September 2011

Episode 9- It's Friday and this is cheese.

We decided to do another single pane comic on Friday since the last one went smashingly well and we received an uncountable number of comments requesting another (by uncountable we mean 6). Here are a few of them....

"I don't have time to read, being a racecar driver astronaut I need all of my comic goodness in a single panel. thanks guys!" -Irwin Phillip Freely.

"What are you? Retarded?" - Vincent Andrew Agina

"My finger smells" Winston Churchill

Thanks guys for all the awesome support! Your readership makes this comic possible. Have a great Friday, and as the French say "Keep on Truck'n"